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On February 28, 2011, the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution (Bapepam-LK) has issued rules on the independence of accountants who provide services in the capital market, namely by Regulation No. VIII.A.2 annex the Chairman of Bapepam Number: Kep -86 / BL / 2011 concerning Independence of Accountant Provide Services in Capital Market. As published in the Press Release of Bapepam LK on February 28, 2011, Rule No. VIII.A.2 is an improvement over the existing legislation and aims to provide convenience for the Office of Public Accountant or Public Accountant in providing professional services for the field duties. Here is his decision: DECISION OF CHAIRMAN OF CAPITAL MARKET SUPERVISORY AGENCY No. KEP-20 / PM / 2002 ABOUT INDEPENDENCE THAT PROVIDE SERVICES ACCOUNTANT AUDIT CAPITAL MARKET CHAIRMAN OF CAPITAL MARKET SUPERVISORY AGENCY, Considering: a. that in order to meet the principles of openness, the...